I've been a Green Party member since 2012. I joined because only the Green Party was putting forward the bold and radical ideas needed.
Throughout my time in the party I've worked to get our message out and help the party elect more Greens. I've served in a variety of different roles since being in the party

An elected Green
I became a Councillor in May, elected to Highbury ward with over 1,900 votes. Islington Greens are now the official opposition.
I'm one of two Greens of Colour Councillors elected in London.

I'm currently the Green Party's spokesperson for refugees and migrants.
I also have served as the Equalities spokesperson and wrote our 2015 ethnic minority and LGBTIQA+ manifesto.

A campaigner
I've won campaigns on tackling workplace discrimination and homophobic PSHE guidance.
I was the Campaign Manager at the last London Mayoral elections, our most successful in our history.
Media coverage
Distorted reporting of the 2021 census echoes a racist conspiracy theory
- Open Democracy, 30 Nov 2022
Suella Braverman’s parents being immigrants doesn’t mean you can trust her policies
- Metro, 26 Oct 2022
Why isn’t Labour standing up to Suella Braverman over refugee deportations?
- The Independent, 5 Oct 2022
AHMM wins planning approval for contentious Angel Square redevelopment
- Architects' Journal, 7 Sep 2022
‘Monkeypox patients continue to work for fear of losing their job’
- Islington Tribune, 26 Aug 2022
Water cut off during heatwave weekend
- Islington Tribune, 19 Aug 2022
I used to be transphobic – this is how I became an ally
- Metro, 18 Jun 2022
London local elections: Labour hold on to Islington Council but Greens triple their seats
- My London, 10 May 2022
Yemen: Seven years of the forgotten war
- Left Foot Forward, 26 March 2022
Why we need an amnesty for undocumented migrants
- Politics.co.uk, 17 December 2021
Priti Patel is spreading stories about refugees to suit her own agenda
- Metro, 24 November 2021
Government plot to strip people of British citizenship is chilling for LGBT+ people like me
- Pink News, 21 November 2021
Why the UK government’s pledge to take 20,000 Afghan refugees is woefully inadequate
- Left Foot Forward, 21 August 2021
The Borders Bill will replicate callous Australian policy
- Huck, 19 July 2021
Priti Patel’s ‘hostile environment’ for EU citizens will fuel racism and inflict misery on the vulnerable
- Independent, 30 June 2021
LGBT+ refugees desperately need our help. But Priti Patel’s cruel plans will send them back to danger
- Pink News, 20 June 2021
Senior MPs and LGBT+ activists brand BBC News ‘institutionally transphobic’ in scathing letter to its editorial director
- Pink News, 22 June 2020
Gender Recognition Act: LGBT political group anger at trans law 'changes'
- BBC News, 20 June 2020
If The British Government Truly Cares About Human Rights It Must Expel Brunei From The Commonwealth
- Huffington Post, 9 April 2019
Boycott Brunei Protests
- Sky News, 6 April 2019
Sultan of Brunei’s London hotel target of pro-LGBTI protesters this weekend
- Gay Star News, 2 April 2019
Pupils shouldn’t be denied LGBT lessons – whatever their parents say
- Guardian, 5 March 2019
£16m Islington council budget black hole sparks cuts fear
- Islington Tribune, 10 November 2017
Lib Dem feels the heat over party’s education record at hustings event
- Islington Tribune, 23 May 2017
265 people pack St Mary’s Church at heated Islington South and Finsbury hustings
- Islington Gazette, 21 May 2017
General Election 2017: Islington South candidates slam Theresa May’s plan to axe free school meals
- Islington Gazette, 19 May 2017
Theresa May Far More Dangerous Than Migrants
- Huffington Post, 7 October 2015
We can’t allow the scapegoating of migrants in the political arena to go on.
- Media Diversified, 27 March 2015
Stop and searches are ‘disproportionate’ in Islington
- Islington Gazette, 4 December 2015
Opponents agree over shechita
- The Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 2015
We shouldn’t be priced out of Pride
- Pink News, 16 September 2014
Same sex marriage in the UK
- Green European Journal, 24 September 2013
Section 28 row: Schools tear up controversial homophobic policies
- Independent, 20 August 2013